Friday, May 31, 2013


I find life is quite funny. Never been constant. The only constant about life is its always changing.

Kita menilai orang pakai sebelah mata. Tapi kita lupa, kita ada dua biji mata. Jadi yang satu lagi guna untuk apa? Kita terlalu judgemental sampai kita lupa yang semua di dunia ini dicipta yang Maha Esa.

Hari ini hidup penuh dengan kepalsuan, penuh dengan kepahitan, penuh dengan cubaan. Kita hidup terlalu skeptikal. Teori yang lebih tapi zero pada praktikal.

Bagaimana di kalangan kita mahu berubah, tapi jiwa masih dipenuhi barah? Bagaimana sekeliling kita mahu berubah sedangkan kita hidup tak nak beralah? ahhhh.

Yang baik disalah sangka, yang jahat senang senang dipercaya. Masihkah ada cahaya dikehidupan yang sementara? Bagaimana mahu menabur budi, hakikatnya seluruh jiwa telah lama mati, telah lama dikebumi.


I find life is quite funny. Never been constant. The only constant about life is its always changing. 

And I am constant too.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Masih aku ingat genap sebulan yang lalu, aku bersedih. Aku mengadu kepada tuhan agar diberikan kekuatan. Aku merayu agar diberikan kenikmatan.

Masih aku ingat genap sebulan yang lalu, sinar harapan kian malap hari ke hari. Harapan hanya tinggal harapan. Ujian-ujian begitu berat seolah pengalamannya lebih hebat daripada perang ketika zaman nabi.

Masih aku ingat genap sebulan yang lalu, hati ini luluh dek perbuatan sesetengah daripadaku. Hati ini robek dek perangai sesetengah daripadaku.

Namun semalam, segala yang ku alami sebulan ini seakan-seakan hilang daripada kotak memori ku. Sungguh besar nikmat daripada Mu ya Allah.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Sad Day

I'm not living in a perfect world. Atleast not the community we live in. I'm no longer a 7 year old child. Everything i do will be questioned. It is sad when good intentions are questioned. Too much anger, jealousy in this world. 

In this world, there is no such male-female friendship. It either nothing or you're lovers. It just too weird. I'm not saying all of us, just, there is some that strongly represent or reflect the community we live in.

This is adulthood. A sad day.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Seluruh England milik Malaysia

Today is the day, the Chinese dragon succumbed to our roaring tiger. Hari di mana Lee Chong Wei berdiri segak di puncak dunia, membiarkan seteru terhebatnya Lin Dan jatuh tumbang mencium bumi.

Thanks for giving us another reason, apart from the other countless reasons, to be proud of Malaysia.

P/s : Next, lets win the World Championship!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I don't have fancy brother to walk me into the football pitch. I don't have enthusiastic father to talk me about football. Well, i can't really blame him since badminton is his passion. But that has never stop me from knowing football. 

At my early days, there are two men that wow me with their football. His name is Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima or you may know him as Ronaldo, the Brazilian Ronaldo. He is the greatest striker i have ever seen in my entire life.  I fell in love with the beauty of football since.

Thanks for inspiring me all this while. Thanks for the lessons. 

You are #foreverphenomenon.

P/s : Another guy is, you might know him,  Michael Owen.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


There are times once in a while when something happens that really touches your heart. That really makes you think. Or re-think. Something that makes you ponder upon your own life. The choices we have made, mistakes that we learnt from, and above all the sins we committed. 

Well, weeks ago i came upon this song by Wali Band named Aku Cinta Allah. Thought i could share with people out there. Its a lovely song to listen and i couldn't stop listening since. The lyrics are wonderful. But things that matter most, it touches my heart :)

P/s : Go Youtube the song.

Friday, January 7, 2011


" Lama tak update blog bro? "

" Desktop rosak "

" Eh, bukan dah elok ke ari tu "

" Internet pulak buat hal "

" Yang aku tengok kau bukak Youtube tu apa? "

" Jari sakit "

" Pulak, galak je aku tengok chatting dengan girlfriend "

" Err err err "
